School tree planting day at the Spillway Reserve (16 May 2014)


Re-vegetate the shrub layer to help gliders and other wildlife at the Spillway Reserve.


Albury Wodonga Parklands & Slope 2 Summit.

What was done

  • Tim Alexander (Albury Wodonga Parklands) arranged a bus load of James Fallon Yr 10 students to get busy with tree planting,
  • Several block areas were pre sprayed for weed control,
  • 13 students attended and planted approx. 200 shrubs, 
  • The group was welcomed by Stuart and thanked for their much appreciated help, 
  • The pole camera (from Baranduda Landcare-many thanks)
    was present to allow the students to peek at gliders in nestboxes,
  • The day seemed to be enjoyed by the helpers.  The shrubs have got off  to a great start with two good rains since
James Fallon School at Spillway Reserve - Woolshed Thurgoona Landcare Group
James Fallon School at Spillway Reserve - Woolshed Thurgoona Landcare Group

Thanks again to Parklands, the James Fallon students and their teacher David Johnson.

Project contact: Stuart 60 264 357