Planting Day 2019 and Sloane’s update

Planting day at Hawksview

We thank all those who participated in the tree planting revegetation works at “Hawksveiw’, Lake Hume Village on Sunday 25th August.   It was a beautiful sunny day and the group managed to plant around 300 plants.   The establishment of these plants will improve connectivity for our local species, connecting the remnant forests from the river up to the hillside. These plants along with the thousands of seeds put in the ground a few weeks earlier will provide habitat and food sources for native wildlife in years to come .




Sloane’s Froglet

It’s that time of the year again! The recent rains and cool conditions mean that tiny male Sloane’s froglets are madly calling from wetlands around Thurgoona.  We would like as many people as possible to join our Sloane’s Champions – Citizen Science Monitoring Program to help determine where these tiny threatened frog species reside and their numbers.

To get involved:

  • Download the Australian Museum’s FrogID smartphone app.
  • Create an account on FrogID and join the Sloane’s Champions group (easiest to do from the official FrogID website: )
  • Use FrogID to record calling frogs at local wetlands!

Below is summary of what the Sloane’s champions achieved last season:

  • 479 submissions
  • 1005 frog records
  • 13 species
  • 289 records of Sloane’s Froglet (mostly from Albury, but with one record from Corowa)

FrogID received only 3 Sloanes’ Froglet records from people not involved in the Sloane’s Champions programs showing just how important your contributions are.